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Meet Your Speakers

Keilly Witman

Keilly Witman is the Department Head of Refrigerant Management Solutions. Prior to working at RMS, she was H-E-B s Director of Refrigerant Management and Sustainability. She began her career at the U.S. EPA, where she launched the GreenChill Advanced Refrigeration Partnership. Keilly has co-authored several industry refrigerant management best practice guidelines, and she has held hundreds of refrigerant management and compliance webinars. Her articles on refrigerant management have won national awards. Keilly has a Law Degree and a Master s in Environmental Policy.

Leia Waln

Leia brings over 12 years of refrigerant compliance experience to our RMS clients. She is well-known within the food retail industry as a refrigerant compliance and reporting subject matter expert. Since starting with RMS at the inception, she has consulted for some of the largest supermarket chains in the country. She has an unparalleled breadth and depth of experience with regulatory requirements and how they apply to the real-world scenarios that retailers face. In addition to overseeing the day-to-day operations of RMS, Leia keeps on top of the ever-changing regulations and provides regulatory updates and training to owners, contractors, and other industry stakeholders.