Get to know Compliance and Mandatory Service Practices!

Prepare to ERR (AIM Act Part III)

Compliance Part 1: Mandatory Service Practices

November 7, 2024

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM MT

This training is a MUST for food retail compliance people, facility managers, service techs, and service contractor record-keepers! The foundation of every refrigerant compliance program is understanding the required field practices under the regs. Why? Because the best record-keeping in the world doesn t help if technicians don t do what they are required to do in the field. You just wind up with perfect records of all your violations! Our one-time-only live training covers Section 608 and the new AIM Act Emissions Reduction and Reclamation (ERR) regulations for appliance installations, leak events, leak inspections, opening the circuit events, refrigerant retrofits, permanent appliance shutdowns, and appliance retirements. The training also includes a Q&A session with our team of compliance experts. Our training sessions are limited to ten people, so get your spot now!

Meet Your Speaker

Keilly Witman

Keilly Witman is the Department Head of Refrigerant Management Solutions. Prior to working at RMS, she was H-E-B s Director of Refrigerant Management and Sustainability. She began her career at the U.S. EPA, where she launched the GreenChill Advanced Refrigeration Partnership. Keilly has co-authored several industry refrigerant management best practice guidelines, and she has held hundreds of refrigerant management and compliance webinars. Her articles on refrigerant management have won national awards. Keilly has a Law Degree and a Master s in Environmental Policy.